
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Down Under this weekend! Are you going?!?!?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tempest Freerunning Academy

Tempest Freerunning Academy in L.A. is the largest and only indoor Freerunning facility in the world! With a gymnastics spring floor in the gym and several areas that act as walls like you would find outside it allows for the perfect combination of outside and inside training! The facility also has a full 10 x 14 ft. Aussie Bed Trampoline,a 30 foot long foam pit with a high bar in the middle of it, and a 14 foot warped wall! Established in 2010 the Tempest Freerunning Academy is the ONLY gym in the U.S. that is totally dedicated to Parkour and Freerunning. The staff has had years of experience and is willing to not only be your coach but also "be your new best friends" - Tempest Freerunning Academy.
Information about classes, how to get there and other facts about the academy can be found here

Taylor Ruiz- The Flippin News Team

New Twitter account!

The Flippin News is now on Twitter! Search ProParkourNews to find us!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flipping for funds

I've been wondering lately how you could use Tricking for something like charity work. Why not for every 5 dollars someone gives to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army you post a video on youtube saying the persons name and then doing a backflip? That would be a fun way to raise money for local charities! We as a community should look into this! We could host an event like Relay for Life but call it something like Tricking for Life. If we did this right we could make a lot of money for a life saving cause!

Taylor Ruiz- Flippin News Team

Using Twitter to build your team.. and your fan base.

Most people think of Twitter as a place to goof off but some people actually use it to make money! Take David wood for instance. This guy makes BIG money every month because he uses Twitter to get people from all over the world to view his site and buy his stuff. Now why can't we as Freerunners, Traceurs, and Trickers use this same concept to help build a team? Or even just a larger fan base? Well a good friend of mine, Joshua Coffy, turned me on to a product called Tweetadder. Josh personally uses this product and he showed me how it gave him 500 followers in a SINGLE DAY! Well I needed to try this for myself so I went to and downloaded the demo. This really does work. By using I was able to track the clicks on my links. Within the first two minutes of using Tweetadder and I had 17 clicks on my first link. I'm not exaggerating this! Two minutes... 17 clicks. And then the idea came to me. Why not use this to send videos, friend invites, information on sessions, or techniques? I want to see this happen. I'm going to try this but I need some other people to do the same. Lets make the land gap between Trickers, Traceurs, and Freerunners a little bit smaller.

Taylor Ruiz- Flippin News Team   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

American Parkour

Who says all great Traceurs come from Europe??? American Parkour is taking things to the next level with their amazing skills, great tutorials, and wonderful attitudes.
     Need a workout? Try their workout of the day!
               Need training ideas? Check out their tutorials!
Want  some threads? American Parkour has some of the best Parkour clothing on the market! Good for style, comfort, durability, and best of all...... you just look sweet wearing it.
              Sign up for a free account and get access to thousands of Traceurs, videos, and pictures. You will also get all the best tutorials you will need to get started!

              If your in need of a training spot, ask around the community and see if anyone around you knows where the best place is. Find other Traceurs around you and train together to master your skills.

Find out more information at American Parkour!

Cheers and happy flippin from the Flippin News Team!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tricking and Breaking

Yes Billy, Tricking and Breaking relate. The dance group the LXD uses tricking elements in their dancing. You see people doing corks to corks or corks to backtucks (back flip). But they never stray from their main purpose which is dancing.  LXD gets a ten out of ten